
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Peaceful New Religion Movement - 988 Words

909 Found dead in Jonestown,Guyana South America from Kool aid flavored cyanide, screams headline news November, 18 1979.What seems to be a peaceful New religion movement started in California for People in search for Hope and relief in Desperate Times from the Social inequalities, Unjust Killing, poverty ,and despair during the late seventies to early eighties.In the beginning people promise utopia â€Å"a perfect society† tens to hundreds of single mothers ,blacks, homosexuals and families all alike dropped their lives to flocking onto planes for a vision of the good life. Over a thousand people joined the â€Å"Peoples Temple†. This entire Religious Movement was run by one man said to be the by followers â€Å"Deliver of Peace ,Shepherd of his†¦show more content†¦Barrels of cyanide laced Kool aid bought from the American government for â€Å"gold cleaning† was voluntary drunk,and forcefully injected to the People s Temple members . Some killed thems elves with rifles or pistols, many were shot who tried to flee.Over one third of the dead on that day where children and infant that were dragged into this without choice.Pets like dogs and cats were also killed in the progress for â€Å"all who pass will be saved†. For Jim Jones speculation that he shot himself, but after investigating the crime scene the weapon thought to be used was found over 40 feet away from Jones body so the case still speculates. Upon return of the congressmen ,and United States Army was surprised to see upon arrival a mass suicide took place counted nine hundred nine confirmed deaths caused by cyanide laced Kool aid.for the survivors of the massacre whether it be from under dosage or faking their own deathShow MoreRelatedA Peaceful New Religion Movement902 Words   |  4 Pages09 Found dead in Jonestown,Guyana South America from Kool aid flavored cyanide, screams headline news November, 18 1979.What seems to be a peaceful New religion movement start ed in California for People in search for Hope and relief in Desperate Times from the Social inequalities, Unjust Killing, poverty ,and despair during the late sevendys to early eightie.In the beginning people promise utopia â€Å"a perfect society† tens to hundreds of single mothers ,blacks, homosexuals and families all alike droppedRead MoreThe Day Of The Colonies955 Words   |  4 Pagesarrived in the colonies? 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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Permiso de residencia por matrimonio gay o de lesbianas

En Estados Unidos los matrimonios gays, conformados por dos hombres o dos mujeres, tienen los mismos derechos migratorios que los conformados por un varà ³n y una mujer. Lo fundamental en este tipo de matrimonios es que sean và ¡lidos segà ºn las leyes del lugar en el que se celebran, que no tiene que corresponder con las del lugar donde habitualmente residen los cà ³nyuges o uno de ellos.   A pesar de esta igualdad de derechos entre los  matrimonios gays y los heterosexuales, en ocasiones se producen conflictos o demoras porque se trata de un derecho relativamente reciente. Es por ello que el abogado de inmigracià ³n Frank Calabrese responde en la siguiente entrevista a dudas de gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales casados con personas de su mismo sexo, en relacià ³n al permiso de residencia (green card) y otros beneficios migratorios como visas de trabajo, peticiones de hijos, etc. Ademà ¡s, se finaliza este artà ­culo con importantes consejos migratorios para los casos en los que se està ¡ buscando la green card por matrimonio. Antecedentes y situacià ³n actual sobre derechos migratorios para matrimonios gays El 26 de junio de 2013, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos sentencià ³ que era inconstitucional la Seccià ³n 3 de la Ley de Defensa del Matrimonio (DOMA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que limitaba a efectos de reconocimiento federal el matrimonio al formado por un hombre y una mujer. Hasta esta decisià ³n de la Corte Suprema, DOMA prohibà ­a que el gobierno federal reconociese como và ¡lidos los matrimonios conformados por personas del mismo sexo.   Ahora que la Seccià ³n 3 de DOMA ya no es và ¡lida, desde el punto de vista de las leyes de inmigracià ³n, los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y los residentes permanentes casados con personas de su mismo sexo reciben el mismo tratamiento que los matrimonios conformados por un hombre y una mujer. Pregunta:  ¿Tenemos que vivir en un estado que reconoce legalmente el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo para solicitar un permiso de residencia de residencia? Respuesta: No. Desde el punto de vista de inmigracià ³n, el matrimonio se reconoce siempre y cuando que sea và ¡lido en la jurisdiccià ³n en la que se celebrà ³. Si te has casado en un estado o en un paà ­s que reconoce legalmente el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, tu matrimonio es reconocido a efectos de inmigracià ³n en los Estados Unidos. Los matrimonios pueden legalmente residir en cualquier estado de la Unià ³n Americana.  ¿Es suficiente tener una relacià ³n legalmente reconocida pero que no es matrimonio, como por ejemplo una unià ³n civil o una pareja de hecho? No en estos momentos. Si es posible, deben  casarse en una jurisdiccià ³n que permite el matrimonio entre parejas del mismo sexo brinda mayor seguridad y es un camino menos problemà ¡tico para solicitar la tarjeta de residencia, incluso en los casos en los que ya se està ¡ viviendo en una situacià ³n de unià ³n civil o pareja de hecho.  ¿Quà © pasa si mi pareja se encuentra fuera de los Estados Unidos y no podemos casarnos en su paà ­s de origen? Las leyes de inmigracià ³n de los Estados Unidos permiten la solicitud de una visa de prometido para parejas cuya intencià ³n es contraer matrimonio. Una vez que la visa es concedida, la persona extranjera puede entrar legalmente en Estados Unidos y la pareja debe contraer matrimonio en los 90 dà ­as siguientes en un estado que legalmente permite este tipo de matrimonio (esta visa solo aplica a ciudadanos, no a residentes) Asimismo, estas parejas pueden viajar a otro paà ­s donde el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo està ¡ legalmente reconocido y luego seguir el procedimiento consular que siguen las parejas casadas heterosexuales en el paà ­s de origen del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Conseguà ­ mi tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con una mujer, pero desde entonces he hecho pà ºblica mi homosexualidad y ahora estoy casado con un hombre.  ¿Puedo solicitar una tarjeta de residencia para à ©l? Las personas que obtuvieron su residencia por razà ³n de un matrimonio anterior no tienen necesariamente una prohibicià ³n para solicitar a su nuevo cà ³nyuge. Sin embargo, como en todos los casos de matrimonio, esas personas tiene la obligacià ³n de demostrar que su relacià ³n es de buena fe. En estos casos un abogado experto puede ayudarte a examinar los posibles riesgos y beneficios y si hay o no un conjunto de circunstancias que pueden levantar sospechas de fraude en el oficial del USCIS que debe decidir sobre el caso. Y si tienes o no evidencia suficiente para vencer cualquier posible sospecha. Una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a americana me ha contratado para trabajar y vivir en los Estados Unidos con una visa H-1B.  ¿Puede tambià ©n vivir en EEUU mi cà ³nyuge que es de mi mismo sexo? Sà ­. Los matrimonios conformados por personas del mismo sexo està ¡n ahora reconocidos con igualdad de derechos migratorios que los matrimonios entre un hombre y una mujer. Si cumple con todos los requisitos para ser elegible, puede acompaà ±ar a su esposo o esposa siempre y cuando se trate de una categorà ­a de visas que contempla la posibilidad de visas derivadas para los cà ³nyuges, como son las H-4 (trabajo), J-2 (intercambio) o F-2 (estudiante), etc.  ¿Quà © pasa si mi pareja està ¡ en los Estados Unidos como indocumentado? ¿Todavà ­a podemos aplicar? Esto va a depender de tu caso concreto. Si la persona extranjera entrà ³ legalmente a los Estados Unidos por una aduana donde fue inspeccionado por un oficial de inmigracià ³n pero simplemente lo que ha hecho es quedarse mà ¡s tiempo del permitido, entonces en muchos casos puede que està © autorizado/a a solicitar la tarjeta de residencia basà ¡ndose en su matrimonio con un ciudadano americano. Pero si entrà ³ a los Estados Unidos simplemente cruzando la frontera sin que un oficial de inmigracià ³n le autorizase la entrada entonces en estos casos tendrà ¡ que salir de EEUU y solicitar la tarjeta de residencia en un consulado en su paà ­s de origen. En todo caso, algunos pueden necesitar solicitar ciertos perdones (conocidos como waiver en inglà ©s). Las leyes migratorias pueden ser muy complicadas en estos casos y si tà º o tu pareja està ¡n en los Estados Unidos como indocumentados o sin estatus, es muy recomendable solicitar el consejo de un abogado experto en estos temas antes de iniciar cualquier trà ¡mite.  ¿Quà © pasa si tenemos hijos? Cuando un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos aplica por una tarjeta de residencia para su esposo/a, tambià ©n puede pedir los papeles para los hijos de su cà ³nyuge por ser sus hijastros. Si el cà ³nyuge extranjero es el padre o la madre biolà ³gico de esos nià ±os, es posiblemente el mejor procedimiento a seguir, incluso en los casos en los que el ciudadano americano considera ya a esos muchachos como hijos propios. En todo caso los hijos deben ser menores de 21 aà ±os de edad, solteros y el matrimonio debe haberse celebrado antes de que los muchachos hayan cumplido los 18.  ¿Quà © pasa con la reforma migratoria? ¿Hay alguna razà ³n por la que puede recomendarse esperar? No se puede predecir lo que va a hacer el Congreso. La reforma migratoria puede ser aprobada o no en el futuro. En cualquier caso no hay modo de saber ahora cuà ¡les serà ­an las protecciones para las personas del colectivo LGBT que contemplarà ­a la ley. Mientras tanto, mientras el Servicio de Naturalizacià ³n e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y los consulados continà ºan implementando las leyes de inmigracià ³n de los Estados Unidos segà ºn las directrices actuales no es necesario que se aprueben mà ¡s leyes para que las parejas del mismo sexo legalmente casadas inicien sus trà ¡mites para la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia.  ¿Podemos presentar la solicitud nosotros mismos o necesitamos a un abogado? ¿Necesitamos a un abogado especialista en temas de inmigracià ³n o en asuntos propios del colectivo LGBT? Mientras que es cierto que mucha gente solicita por sà ­ misma y con à ©xito las tarjetas de residencia por razà ³n de matrimonio, hay que tener en cuenta que las leyes de inmigracià ³n pueden ser bastante complicadas. Ademà ¡s, las solicitudes en los casos de matrimonios conformados por personas del mismo sexo es todavà ­a un à ¡rea legal nueva y que muchos oficiales de inmigracià ³n no tiene todavà ­a el suficiente conocimiento o no se sienten cà ³modos con estos asuntos. El consejo de un abogado experto puede ayudar a evitar los problemas que puedan surgir. Las respuestas anteriores sà ³lo tienen un propà ³sito informativo general y NO substituyen o constituyen consejo legal para ningà ºn caso concreto ni tampoco son la base de una relacià ³n abogado-cliente. Deberà ­as consular con un abogado de inmigracià ³n sobre las circunstancias particulares de tu caso antes de tomar ninguna decisià ³n sobre tu situacià ³n o iniciar algà ºn trà ¡mite. Consejos migratorios en caso de green card por matrimonio Tanto los ciudadanos americanos como los residentes permanentes legales pueden solicitar la green card para su cà ³nyuge por razà ³n de matrimonio. Aunque bà ¡sicamente los requisitos son los mismos en ambas situaciones es conveniente destacar importantes diferencias. En primer lugar, el tiempo de tramitacià ³n, ya que es mà ¡s rà ¡pido en el caso de las peticiones presentadas por ciudadanos. Los residentes deben esperar por cupo, segà ºn datos actualizados mensualmente en el boletà ­n de visas.   En segundo lugar, es muy recomendable prestar atencià ³n en los casos en los que el cà ³nyuge pedido està © en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de indocumentado. La razà ³n es que en el caso de peticià ³n de residentes no pueden ajustar su estatus y en el caso de solicitud de ciudadanos sà ³lo cuando la persona pedida entrà ³ legalmente a los Estados Unidos (con la excepcià ³n de los casados con militares en aplicacià ³n del programa Parole in Place). La consecuencia de ello es que si no es posible ajustar el estatus se tendrà ¡ que finalizar el proceso fuera de los Estados Unidos, lo cual harà ¡ saltar el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os. Y en tercer lugar, en algunos casos las tarjetas de residencia que se obtienen por razà ³n de matrimonio con ciudadano pueden ser, inicialmente, temporales por sà ³lo dos aà ±os. En este caso es obligatorio levantar la condicionalidad para convertir esa residencia temporal en permanente. Asimismo, es importante seà ±alar que el solicitante de la green card para su cà ³nyuge puede en cualquier momento poner fin a los trà ¡mites. Sin embargo, esto no puede utilizarse como una amenaza hacia el cà ³nyuge extranjero. Y es que en casos de abuso podrà ­a tener derecho a obtener por sà ­ mismo la green card en base al programa VAWA. Finalmente, al igual que ocurre con los matrimonios heterosexuales, los matrimonios de conveniencia con el fin de obtener la green card està ¡n penados por la ley. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Negative Effect of Global Warming - 892 Words

The idea of global warming has been drilled into many childrens heads’ starting 5th grade. From there, it has never stopped. The idea that the ozone layer is breaking up around the North Pole is scary, and there isn’t anything society can do about it. It’s not like an illness or cut where a doctor can prescribe medicine or put a Band-Aid on it. It’s a real global disaster. It’s a global disaster that could potentially ruin Earth. Global warming is not only affecting people’s health, but it is also destroying life on Earth in its process. For centuries, no one thought much of big clouds of smoke pumped into the sky or the millions of gallons of chemicals dumped into the ocean. Now mankind is paying for it. Although the temperature of Earth has only climbed on average of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit a year, it quickly adds up (National Geographic News: Reporting Your World Daily). The ice polar caps are quickly melting at a faster rate than ever. The polar caps aren’t the only ones that are melting, it also includes ice on mountain glaciers, Arctic sea ice, and ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland (Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice). When the large blocks of ice start to melt, the ability to reflect sunlight is lost. Usually when sunlight hits the polar ice caps, it is reflected back into space (Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice). Without the ability, the ocean absorbs the sunlight and heats up ocean water (Global Warming Puts theShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects of Global Warming on Earth819 Words   |  4 Pagesburning fossil fuels. Climate change also adds additional risks to our food supplies scientists say they are already seeing the harmful effects in some regions. Polar ice melting would become another major affect of global warming if it isn’t stopped which could cause problems for many lives on Earth not just human beings. 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The change in the solar output is the amount ofRead MoreThe Causes and Negative Effects of Global Warming Essay729 Words   |  3 Pages Global warming is one of the biggest problems facing our world today, that threatens to take away everything we have. our temperatures are slowly deliberately accumulating, and with that, our world is crumbling. Global warming is avoidable, but us humans need to take a step forward and hinder it. since the 1900s, our world evoked entering the era of industrialization, and global warming also suddenly erupted before anyone noticed. Global warming is permanent and cannot be reversed. We have to actRead MoreEssay about Causes and Effects of Global Warming on Our World1498 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming is a universal concern that has gained worldwide attention. As members of Congress, we have heard and learned new and different facts about the process of Earth. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adolescent Identity Exploration A Test of Erikson

Adolescent Identity Exploration: A Test of Erikson’s Theory of Transitional Crisis Kidwell, Dunham, and Richard (1995) investigated Erikson’s theory that adolescent identity exploration is associated with a variety of symptoms, such as fluctuations in ego strength, mood swings, rebelliousness, and heightened physical symptoms. They sampled a total of 82 high school students (43 males, 39 females) between the ages of 14 and 17. These students were academically superior high school students who attended the Florida State University Summer Science and Mathematics Camp during the summers of 1988 (30 students) and 1989 (52 students). The minimum requirements for admission to the program included percentile ranks of 90 or more on standardized†¦show more content†¦This may imply that the exploration process may be encouraged by the exposure to the new and different environment. The adolescent may likely to be experiencing a need to explore and learn about the new set ting they are in. This may lead to confusion and uncertainties which may result in the skewed results of the study. When Erikson developed his theory, he suggested that males and females move through the identity versus identity confusion period differently. He argued that males are more likely to proceed through the social development stages in order, developing a stable identity before committing to an intimate relationship with another person. In contrast, he suggested that females reverse the order, seeking intimate relationships and then defining their identities through these relationships (Feldman, 2003). These ideas should be considered by the researchers when designing this study. Gender differences in identity formation should be explored. This also suggests that Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development may not always progress in the order he proposed. Despite the limitations, Erikson’s theory had a great deal of popular appeal, as he shifted the focus aw ay from the more psychosexual emphasis of Freud’s toward a more psychosocial focus. Erikson elaborated on Freud’s stages of development. Whereas Freud emphasized on early childhood, Erikson suggested thatShow MoreRelatedApplication Paper : Mean Girls1447 Words   |  6 Pagesconflict described by Erikson of Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion. The formation of an identity is critical for an adolescent, as it defines who they will be (Berk, 2014b). Cady faces an identity crisis after her exposure to the Plastics, as she oscillates between different personalities. This exploration also highlights Cady’s status of identity as moratorium; with low commitment to a certain value, but accompanied by exploration of different options (Berk, 2014b). Cady’s identity conflict demonstratedRead MoreVirtual Child Ages 11-16 Essay1505 Words   |  7 Pagesindependence, and a time when someone begins to construct their identity. Identity means their life value and goals inc luding a secure sense of who they are in terms of sexual, vocational, and moral ethics. In the next few paragraphs I will be discussing my Virtual Child, Maeve as she went through adolescence (ages 11- 16). I am going to delve into the different changes I saw in her and how they relate to theories proposed by Piaget, Erikson, Marcia, and Gardner. Each theory deals with development throughRead MoreSexuality and the development of a sexual selfhood is a development that can occur during900 Words   |  4 Pagesdevelopment arises from an intertwining of physiological and psychological processes and is tightly related to identity. Historically, research on sexuality has been driven by a public health agenda, which is overshadowed by moral panic and bad outcomes of adolescent sexuality (i.e. STIs, unintended pregnancy, etc.). This perpetuated widespread abstinence policies in institutions in which adolescents were involved. This heteronormative and patriarchal society rested upon the assumption that women were gatekeepersRead MoreReview of Evidence for Erik Eriksons Identity Theory of Personality2041 Words   |  9 PagesReview of Evidence for Erik Eriksons Identity Theory of Personality Sarah Gruning Wichita State University Review of Evidence for Erik Eriksons Identity Theory of Personality The personality theory that I have chosen to focus on will be Identity Theory. It was developed by Erik Erikson in the nineteen hundreds. Erik Erikson believed that every individual goes through a certain number of stages to reach his or her full development or potential (Erikson, 1994). He theorized that a human beingRead MoreThe Influence Of Shimin On Hong Kong1678 Words   |  7 Pagesethic. His students always fell short of his expectations, frustrating Shimin. When this conflict was brought to the attention of the head of the mathematics department by his students, Shimin was asked to take a different position in which he graded tests and homework instead of directly instructing and interacting with students. As mentioned, Shimin’s perception of himself appears to be favorable. He views himself as a hard worker, self-motivated, and as though he can depend only upon himself. HisRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1818 Words   |  8 Pageson the social component rather than the psychosexual stand of Freud. According to Erikson, our personal development occurs as we interact daily with others and have new experiences that shape us throughout our lives. This paper will review the eight stages of the psychosocial theory: 1. Trust vs. Mistrust 2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt 3. Initiative vs. Guilt 4. Industry vs. Inferiority 5. Identity vs. Identity Confusion 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation 8. Integrity vsRead MoreAdolescent And Their Concept Of Self1584 Words   |  7 Pagesadulthood. It is during this time, between 12 and 18 years of age, when dynamic changes occur. Adolescents not only experience profound physical change during this period – they also undergo a revolution in the way they think. This essay focuses on the adolescent and their concept of self, with a discussion of the predictable and unpredictable events that they are known to face. Although each adolescent will mature according to their own unique timetable. The following sections will more thoroughlyRead MoreErik Erikson s Stages Of Development1608 Words   |  7 Pages The Psychosocial Development The View on Erik H. 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Types of Performance Appraisal Methods and Rater Errors Assignment

Essays on Types of Performance Appraisal Methods and Rater Errors Assignment ï » ¿ 1) Types of performance appraisal methods Performance appraisal involves an appreciation of employees for their good performance at work (Cengia, 2011). Different methods have been used for performance appraisal. These include; Management by Objectives (MBO) This is method that awards employees depending on the employee that achieved the objectives previously set by the employer and the employee. In this method, the employer will award the employee depending on the results. The major disadvantage of this method is that performance appraisal will only occur if the employee has achieved the objectives set. However, the method has an advantage of motivating employees to achieve the set objectives. Performance ranking method This is a method that evaluates the performance of the employees and ranks them from the lowest level to the highest level. Employees in the highest level will then be awarded more than those in the lowest level. The major advantage of this method is that it motivates employees to increase their performance in order to be ranked high. However, the method is limited by the fact that it is difficult to measure the level of performance of the employee. The method is therefore subject to biasness (Cengia, 2011). Critical incident method This method of performance appraisal awards employees by identifying the specific instances when the employee might have done something really outstanding and extra ordinary. The major advantage of this method is that it encourages employees to be innovative and creative. One disadvantage of this method is that it limits employees who might be hardworking and yet not innovative. 2) Rater errors Rater errors refer to errors and mistakes made in the process of performance appraisal. These errors include; Halo Effect This is an error which occurs when the employer generates inappropriate results due to focusing at single outstanding positive or negative characteristics of the employee. Halo effect also occurs when the employer allows his or her personal feelings to affect the process of the appraisal. Leniency Leniency error occurs when the rater gives all the employees positive remarks instead of giving the true remarks irrespective of whether they are negative or positive. Leniency error mostly occurs when the employer is trying to avoid conflict with the workers. Central tendency error This error occurs when the employer avoids giving exceptionally high or exceptionally low results to employees. He therefore gives average remarks to employees irrespective of the fact that employees are different. Ways of minimizing rater errors The rater should work closely with employees in order to obtain the actual information. In addition, the rater should also prepare the performance appraisal early in advance. The rater should also minimize personal bias and be consistent in the results that he gives (Cengia, 2011). Question 3: SMART Acronym S-Specific, the employee should be defined and do things with clarity. M-Measurable, this involves setting goals which are obtainable. The employee should also know when he or she will achieve the goals. A-action oriented, the employee should not only set the goals, he or she should go ahead and act upon them by coming up with ways of achieving them. R-Realistic, the employee should not set unrealistic goals which may be difficult for him or her to achieve. This means that he or she should analyze factors such as resources and time available. T-Time bound, the employee should set enough time for achieving his or her goals. This time should not be too long and should also not be too short. Setting smart goals will be beneficial for the employee since he or she will increase his output. The manager will also gain in terms of the improving of the company. Smart Goals for these activities a) To get a Job, the individual should be specific about the actual job that he or she wants. b) To improve your computer activities; the individual should set goals that he or she wants to achieve from the improvement of his or her skills. He or she should also define the time within which he or she intends to achieve the skills. c) To increase your proficiency in a sport; the individual should set the specific goals that he intends to achieve. For instance, if intends to increase his speed or if he intends to perfect his skills. d) To write a book; the person should be specific about the topic that he is writing about. He should also set goals that he intends to achieve from writing the book. The person should also set the time duration within which he intends to finish the book e) To get into grad school; the individual should be specific about the exact school that he intends to join Question 5: Advice/ Guidance that I would give to the new manager The new manager should avoid biasness in the assessment of the performance of employees. He should also set realistic goals for the employees and should treat them with care. In the performance management, the manager should also ensure that he motivates the employees accordingly. The management expectations that I would set for the manager include; he should ensure that he completes all the duties within the required time, he or she should plan in advance, he or she should also communicate the required information clearly to the people that he leads. The manager should also document all the required information in a well organized manner. Question 5: As an owner of the 25-employee Company how I would handle the situation I would first begin by praising the employees for their good work in boosting the company profits. I would then explain to the employees that the company has suffered a crisis and hence they cannot be fully remunerated. I would explain to them that it is better to pay the suppliers first than remunerate them and close business. If I had handsome bonuses, the best way to evaluate the employees would be by analyzing their true performances. References Cengia, G. (2011, November 14). Performance Appraisal Rater Errors | Employee Insights [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://blog.tnsemployeeinsights.com/?p=1138

Impact of Employees Participation in Decision Making

Question: Discuss about the Impact of Employees Participation in Decision Making. Answer: Introduction The involvement of employees in decision-making that is concerned with shared decision-making is described by participation of employees. It also describes the participation of employees as a combined decision-making between managers and assistants. As opined by Mowday, Porter and Steers (2013), it is a special form of entrustment in which the assistants achieve control as well as preference with respect to conduit the communication gap between the management and employees. It indicates to the degree of involvement of workers in the tactical planning activities of the workers. An organization can have deep or trivial participation of workers in decision-making. The participation of employees in decision-making has a positive impact on employee performance as it leads to potential innovation that in turn assist prospects and recognition in the organization. Problem Statement The problem that is related to employee participation decision-making subsists in the industrial set-up is very divisive. Some industries practices participative decision-making and the government had also encouraged participative decision-making with the help of legislation. Conversely, there is some management writers who are of the opinion that participative decision-making do not exit and if it exits, it is not real. On the other hand, research into leadership style had rendered that desire of the workers for involvement in decision-making in several firms (Kaner 2014). The problem mostly outlines the fact that participation though acquired has not been visibly acknowledged as well as its advantages. Some of the individuals feel that the decision-making procedure is the sole choice and as a result, it should be protected. However, some of the top management likes to stay aloof from its employees in order to build an all-imperative environment around them (Grant 2012). Importance of study The study is intended to provide information to the public on how Government journalists and other few chosen firms have fared in their practice of participative decision-making and its assistance to efficiency, thus improving organizational competence. It is predictable that this study will be helpful to the management by providing adequate insights into the benefits of employee participation in decision-making (Goetsch and Davis 2014) Research Aim and Objectives The major aim and objective of the study is to investigate the impact of employee participation in decision making on employee performance. The following are the objectives of the study: To study the impact of employee participation on employee performance To discover methods to introduce effectual employee participation program in a firm To conclude the challenges that is associated with participation of employees What are the challenges that workers are likely to face while participating in decision-making? What is the impact of employee participation in decision making on employee performance? H0: Efficiency is not self-sufficient of employees participation in decision making H1: Efficiency is self-sufficient of employees participation in decision making Framework and Variables Conceptual framework is mostly described as an investigative tool with several variation and concepts. The data related to real world are mostly captured with the help of strong conceptual framework. Economists to differentiate the behavior as well as incentive systems of companies and customers mostly use it. They also use it to present the concept of supply and demand with the help of graphical representation. The graph indicates that climate for creativity and change is the independent variable whereas; creativity by employees is referred to as dependent variable. On the other hand, participation in decision-making and encouragement by managers to creativity are considered as independent variables. The model studies the direct and indirect impact of participation in decision-making and encouragement by managers to creativity on creativity of employees through climate for creativity and change (Sheppes et al. 2014). Literature Review As opined by Wagner III and Hollenbeck (2014), there are various advantages that are related to employee participation in decision-making. It raises the morale of an employee as well as enhances productivity. It also provides the employees with opportunities in order to use their intellectual that will lead to improved decision-making for the organization. Due to employee participation, resources that are requisite to monitor employee can be minimized thus diminished cost. The participation of an employee in an organization increases its point of view as well as provides assortment of perspectives. There are several evidences that shows that performance of employees increases with increase of employee participation in decision-making. Every firm seeks to enhance their level of performance by providing learning opportunities to its employees. As a result, they require to perform at the level of each individual to enhance their performance of overall organizational. Efficiency is the performance measure encircling both productivity and effectiveness that posses a culture to encourage employee participation. As a result, employees are eager to get involved in decision-making procedure. The decision-making procedure mostly involves setting of goals and activities related to problem solving that in turn leads to higher performance. Productivity mostly gets increased through job satisfaction that also raises working competence at the time of implementation (Kyndt and Baert 2013). Employee participation in decision-making is extremely situational and is mostly a matter of degree. As a result, it should not be considered of as a single procedure or vigorously but rather an overall range of procedure and behavior. As opined by Sonenshein et al. (2013), participation should be mostly described in terms of degree and direction. The degree of participation describes the overall involvement that each employee will have during completion and formulation. Leadership also influences the degree of labor participation in decision-making. Participation of employees in decision-making in labor place has revolved around the above-mentioned ideas. The participation of employees are praised by some individuals however; it is condemned by others. The intention of participation as with many leadership approaches is to inspire high efficiency and to maintain a satisfied workforce. Conclusion It can be concluded that participation by employees in decision-making has a favorable impact on the attitude, productivity and commitment of employees. As a result, participative decision-making should be viewed as an inevitable tool in any organization, such as private or public. On the basis of the research that has been conducted, it has been found that there is a significant connection between employee participation in decision-making as well as their performance towards the organization. If the organization augments participation of their employees in decision making which may lead to dedication, pool of thoughts, faithfulness, citizenship and faith towards the organization. In order to lead effective participation, the exertion control of employees should always lead to alteration of management as well as abandonment of proposed policies. References Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson. Grant, A.M., 2012. Giving time, time after time: Work design and sustained employee participation in corporate volunteering.Academy of Management Review,37(4), pp.589-615. Kaner, S., 2014.Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making. John Wiley Sons. Kyndt, E. and Baert, H., 2013. Antecedents of Employees Involvement in Work-Related Learning A Systematic Review.Review of Educational Research,83(2), pp.273-313. Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W. and Steers, R.M., 2013.Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Sheppes, G., Scheibe, S., Suri, G., Radu, P., Blechert, J. and Gross, J.J., 2014. Emotion regulation choice: a conceptual framework and supporting evidence.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,143(1), p.163. Sonenshein, S., Dutton, J.E., Grant, A.M., Spreitzer, G.M. and Sutcliffe, K.M., 2013. Growing at work: Employees' interpretations of progressive self-change in organizations.Organization Science,24(2), pp.552-570. Wagner III, J.A. and Hollenbeck, J.R., 2014.Organizational behavior: Securing competitive advantage. Routledge.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Canadian Political Economy free essay sample

This paper on the Canadian political economy states that Canada is seen as a thriving post-modern economy but, at the same time, sufferers from problems of political identity disintegration and economic regionalization. This paper states that Canadians are overwhelmed with uncertainties about the capacity of their political system to achieve their economic goals. The author believes that the federal state is moving towards neoliberal control, which downgraded economic tasks to lower levels of governance and raised power to the global and continental tiers. The paper describes the many changes that have taken place in the role and organization of the Canadian government to achieve this neoliberal economic policy. Since the Canadian government settles trade treaties but can execute them only in areas of its own constitutional jurisdiction, provincial participation has been necessary to realize what are understood to be the profit of liberalized trade. For this reason, Ottawa has encouraged improved provincial participation since the 1970s. We will write a custom essay sample on Canadian Political Economy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In contradiction, an increased provincial function in trade policy has resulted in diminished provincial capability for industrial policy.