
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Collective Consensus Theory Essay

Social norms groundwork be defined as The rules that a theme uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. These rules whitethorn be explicit or implicit. visitation to stick to the rules can result in severe punishments, the most fe ard of which is animadversion from the group. A common rule is that the some norms must frequently be displayed neutrality is seldom an option. Here I include other norms, which argon as follows a. ) Injunctive Norms These atomic number 18 behaviors, which are perceived as being authorize of by other passel. b.) Descriptive Norms The perceptions of how other slew are truly behaving and whether their behavior is accepted or not. c. ) Explicit Norms written or verbalise openly. d. ) Implicit Norms not openly stated (but you find out when you impingement them). e. ) Subjective Norms How we will be vex with others who valued us. f. ) Personal Norms Knowing our standards approximately our own actions. By exploring social norms and inequalities, let me be more specific, slightly the Americans Inequalities in American fellowship have become so institutionalised that we rarely recognize most of them on a daily basis. about are glaringly obvious the privileges of the elite, the boss ability to come and go as he pleases- but these inequalities are sustaining, obvious, and dont shock as much because we are conditioned to accept them Some inequalities motley as certain circumstances change. The type of social stratification I wish to discuss is ever changing, weve all experienced it, but have we all noticed it? We like to envisage we live in a classless, multicultural society where everyone is treat equally. Frankly we are deluded.Of course in that location are classes, and not everyone is treated equally. The classes in our world are ground on race, ethnicity, education and politics. Of the phenomenons of social stratification is social inequality, which is the distribution of re sources dividing society into rank, grades, family, religion and education. These di wads should not occur in our society, but it is the sad integrity that it does. Ethnicity is different to race as ethnicity is a distinct cultural description which people identify with as customs, family patterns and religion.The sociologist, Max Weber, defines ethnic groups as adult male groups that entertain a subjective belief in their common profligate because of physical type or of customs or of both or because of memories of colonialisation or migration. The biggest problem that arises in race and ethnic relations is prejudice, which is innate(p) out of pre-judgment and lack of knowledge. The Sociological causes of prejudice are 1. It draws together people who share it superiority is important. This is an element of Emile Durkheims Collective Consensus Theory. 2. Competing for resources. It is easier to get things if you can write others off as less deserving. 3.We can project onto others , who we think are lesser than us, those parts of ourselves that we dont like. The prejudices against those we think are different have negative consequences such as limiting our vision of the world. But far worse is its effect on society it leads to divergence and the consequence of discrimination is inequality. For Karl Marx, inequality was seen as a dichotomy put together on the relations of production and the concept of class is the basic forefinger of inequality. Weber saw inequality as three abstracted mechanisms of great power class (economic power), status (social prestige power) and party (political power).Whichever track it is described, inequality is found everywhere, amidst class, in education, health, occupations and power and within classes with sex, age, ethnicity and religion. However, there is hope in the end, for people can be socially mobile, which is the movement of people between social classes. Societys idea is that if you work hard profuse you will mov e up in society, but this is not eer true. People can move downwards in the social scale, or may start on the bottom and stay there because they do not have the same access to education as others may have.These people have less opportunities than others yet they are looked down upon because they are not upwardly mobile. How can people move up socially if they are not on an equal playing field to obtain with? As long as people continue acting the way they do, inequality and racism will exist. Education is the key, and while older people may be set in their ways and may not be willing to change their views, we must educate the children, who are are future. Children must be taught that all people are equal and that thought process otherwise is wrong. For it is wrong.We were all created equal. Man made us not so. As per my view, when we live in a society were abiding by social, personal, or subjective norms, which are laid out for social and societal documentation is of utmost signi ficance I tend to stick to those norms and also drill the same things to people who are not aware of them. Man is a social animal, who needs to be trained to adapt different changes in societal environment. He has to abide by the norms laid out by the society to be accepted socially and morally, or else he/she is treated as a aborigine or uncivilized.

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