
Friday, March 8, 2019

Ethics in Nursing Essay

Nurses are to put forward compassionate, sufficient, and estimable wield, and follow the moral principles and guidelines set issue by the College of Nurses and the Canadian Nurses Associations encipher of ethics. The nursing profession is a self-sacrificing one, and carrys take on the nightingale Pledge, to elevate the standard of their practice and dedicate themselves to those committed in their bring off (Keatings & Smith, 2010, p. 64) However unfavourable schooling conditions, inadequate affected role to imbibe ratios, and intensive job-related stress can lead to poor performance of daily routines, and adversely patient of safety (Ozata et al., 2013). In the situation regarding Mr. Gurt who suffers from Parkinsons disease, it is vital for the nurse to reckon him at the beginning of each month. This is her obligation under her employing installations standards of charge, as well under the autonomy of her coiffe in which any deviation from this could result in expos ure to obligation (Austin 2006, p. 62).In order for the nurse to properly wish for Mr. Gurt, assessing his accurate pack is native in providing a care plan that will focus on his overall wellness and healing. Because Mr. Gurt is frail, and has stage one pressure ulcers on two heels and his coccyx, it is imperative that he has every opportunity to build up his pare down integrity and retard future disruption of his skin surface. Complications that whitethorn discipline because of the nurses neglect in helplessness to weigh him, may contri barelye to other underlying problems. General health concerns Mr. Gurt would be face on top of his current co- morbidities would include a decline his usual appearance, gastrointestinal, neurologic, integumentary, and musculoskeletal systems (Holloway, 2004, p. 80). By recording a weight of 70kg with a summit of 170cm, the nurse calculated Mr. Gurts Body Mass Index (BMI) at 24.2 which is borderline overweight, when in fact it was 14.5, with 18.5 being the baseline for being boney (http//www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/ obesity/ BMI/bmicalc.htm., n.d.).According to this value, it would be likely that Mr. Gurt would suffer from unbalanced nutrition, little than his personate requirements leading to other complications and failing to thrive. Nanda defines failure to thrive as the progressive functional deterioration of a physical and cognitive nature. The somebodys ability to live with multisystem diseases, cope withensuing problems, and manage his care are remarkably minifyed (Ackley & Ladwig, 2011, p. 350). To add on to potential problems, do drugs doses are given based on factors such as age, gender, and the weight of a patient (Raman-Wilms, 2013). Since Mr. Gurt is elderly and suffering from the personal effects of Parkinsons with an imbalance of neurotransmitter activity between dopamine and acetylcholine, there may be few receptors and a decrease in neurotransmitters to take up his drugs (Raman-Wilms, 2013 ). Levadopa a dopaminergic medicament which treats the symptoms of Parkinsons disease should be reviewed with body weight changes (Raman-Wilms, 2013). A subscribe to looking into the factors of weight loss in Parkinsons looked at the effects of dopaminergic treatment which suggested that the drug had a lipolytic effect and body mass make out was decreased with the advancement of Parkinsons symptoms (Lorefalt, 2004, p.186).The potential magnitude and likelihood of psychic trauma occurring in this font is significant as drug tolerances, adverse effects, and cyanogenetic effects are high, making the liver and kidneys susceptible to disease (Urquhart, 2014), as Mr. Gurts body mass index indicates he is underweight and a higher risk for drug overdoses. Effectiveness of this drug will diminish over time in which the adverse effects may set out severe and may include palpitations, abdominal movement, dizziness, and confusion (Raman-Wilms, 2013, p. 331). Incorrect doses of his medici nal drug could lead to physical and psychological issues based on the nurses documented weight and his actual weight. Failing to weigh Mr. Gurt will have a enceinte impact on his nutritional needs, but will also strickle his ability to heal his pressure ulcers on his heels and coccyx. Mr. Gurt is emaciated which may be in part to dysphasia, tremors, still muscles, and slow movements among other symptoms of Parkinsons (Wilk & Newmaster, 2013, p. 288). As well, Mr. Gurts weight is evidence that he is not receiving the nutritional inhalation his bodys immune system requires to create the proteins and blood cells (macrophages the bodys first line of defence), needed to attack and repair his wounds, and prevent the risk for infection (Raman-Wilms, 2013).The nurses blatant disregard to weigh Mr. Gurt puts him at greater risk for infection and is a form of negligence. slackness in nursing can be unintentional, however it is important to agnize the effects this has on health profession als practicing in Ontario. A registered nurse is prudent to follow the standard of care when performing nursingacts under autonomy within their scope of practise (College of Nurses, 2004) (CNO, 2004). Standard of Care is the sound benchmark against which a persons conduct is measured to determine whether a person has been negligent and whether the persons conduct or actions in a given situation have met those expected of a competent health care professional (Keatings & Smith, 2010). The College of Nurses is the government activity body for registered nurses that protect the ordinary through regulating the nursing profession (CNO, 2014). A practising nurse is have to follow the standards of care and ethical guidelines set out by this governing body (CNO, 2014). The College of Nurses lists seven ethical values which are all important, but recognizes that leaf node well-being is a primary value (CNO, 2014).The College of Nurses connotation of client well-being is to promote the p atients health, while preventing or removing harm (CNO, 2014). In the shimmy regarding Mr. Gurt, where the nurse is required to weigh him monthly and record the data, she is morally responsible for(p) for the patients well-being and for any adverse outcomes regarding his health for failing to provide safe care. The nurses complacency in failing to weigh Mr. Gurt, a simple act, would be of concern in study her moral responsibility in providing ethical care in her work environment. The nurses ethical duty is to advocate for her patients and provide safe, effective, and ethical care (CNO, 2014). Possible outcomes that could arise for the nurse in failing to provide ethical care include her co-worker filing a affection to the College of Nurses, a discipline hearing with the College of nurses, and possibly a lawsuit (CNO, 2014). ceramicist & Perry note the criteria nurses can be found liable for negligence as summarized the nurse owed the duty to the patient to whom that duty was not carried out and the patient was injured for failing to carry out that duty (Potter & Perry 2013, p. 96).A coarse negligent act is failing to monitor a patients condition adequately (Potter et al., 2013, p. 97). For a nurse to be sued, and in the case with Mr. Gurt, the nurse had carelessly not performed a duty which was vital to his on-going care. While the ability to predict harm is evaluated is this case, the nurse had committed a wrong doing to Mr. Gurt and could be tried as an unintentional tort. (Potter et al., 2013, p. 97-98). According to the poisonous Code, 1985, if Mr. Gurt was to pass away as a result of improper care or toxic levels of medication being given dueto the nurse failing to weigh him, the nurse could also face criminal liability if the nurse was proven to have a reckless disregard for her patient (Potter et al., 2013, p. 99-100). The best way for nurses to avoid being negligent is to follow the standards of care be self aware and to reflect on their nursing practise to follow the ethical framework established by the College of Nurses and to continually educate themselves on best practices, assessments, and evaluations within their nursing abilities (Potter et al., 2013, p.98). With that in mind, one last(a) thing I would suggest is to have professional liability and legal assistance protection insurance coverage.ReferencesBIBLIOGRAPHY l 4105 Ackley, J. A., Ladwig, G. B. (2011). nurse Diagnosis handbook (9th ed.). St. Louis Mosby/Elsevier Canada. Austin, S. (2006). 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