
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Introduction to sales promotions Essay

Today, gross gross bargains promotions are a key trait of the retail trade. There are m each ways in which a handicraft raft sell and a sales promotion is full wiz aspect of marketing goods or services. The specific merchandise which I incur decided to base this assignment on is coca plant-Colas 2- litre bottle of puff. I thought that it might be interesting to study the sales promotions of coca-Cola as they are a business which has provided many since they were archetypal founded by John Pemberton till in a flash. coca-Cola coca-Cola was invented on 8th May 1886 by John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia.John Pembertons bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, came up with the design Coca-Cola and designed the logo. The drink was first sold at Jacobss pharmacy. The particular of all this which I find most interesting, is the occurrence that during the first year, sales of Coca-Cola averaged nine drinks a day, adding up to a total of i 50 for that year. Today, products of The Co ca-Cola Company are consumed at the rate of more(prenominal) than one cardinal drinks per day in around 200 countries. The media is a powerful cum of importantly advertizement, which uses traditional methods of mass communication, e.g. newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. Being the very self-made and most recognized brand that Coca Cola is, they asshole return to get along their products by all means of media. I believe that the assist most important method for Coca Cola to promote their products is on billboards. A vast majority of the population drive vehicles and give now and again drive past billboards which are trying to advertise or promote a product. The sales promotion which I have chosen for my 2 litre bottle of cytosine has been markn by me on billboards and TV.Television is by far, the most beneficial way to advertise or promote a product due to the large numbers which happily watch TV in the comfort of their own home, or perhaps somewhere else. The sales promotion * Buy 2 bottles of coke and receive a secrete Coca Cola, FIFA gentleman instill glass Is brinyly seen existence promoted on television as Coca Cola authenticise that if they inadequacy to find customers, television is the best possible way as weve already looked at. The media is a strong way of helping many businesses, such as Coca -Cola to advertise a promotion.Once a customer sees what they croupe save, or in this case, gain, they will then be tempted to purchase that product. Coca Cola is the proud sponsor of the FIFA world cupful, 2006 in Germany. When people see Coca Cola associating with the FIFA world cup, this will lure them further to adjoin the probability of them purchasing products. Coca Coca are frequently seen advertising promotions by all possible means of media but my chosen sales promotion for Coca Cola has only been seen by me on billboards and TV.When Coca Cola do advertise, they try to lease their products at a mug auditory mother w it, but who might that become aim audience be? Target audience To sustain a businesses successfulness, you need to be fairly smart and Coca Cola have proved more than that in the method they have decided to use to identify their target audience. so far tough it is declared that half the worlds population have at least tasted coke, the main target audience is said to have no real gender and is age ranged between 18 34. Even tough thither is no real gender, the majority of people who do consume coke are said to be male.Men and boys aged between 14 34 are very likely to be watching the world cup and with Coca Cola being the sponsor and offering a free Coca Cola, world cup glass, they just cant say no. I presume that their main theme is to have their target audience picturing themselves watching the world cup and drinking coke out of the free glass before they cropually purchase it. Deciding the Style This stage in the success of a sales promotion must link with the format of the promotion and be compatible with its aims. The business may offer a saving or a free tip with purchase.This item could be linked with a specific target audience. The sales promotion * Buy 2 bottles of coke and receive a free Coca Cola, FIFA world cup glass is targeted at men and boys aged roughly between 14-34. The spring for the gender is because men and boys are more likely than woman to be watching football. The colours and design of the sales promotion needs to ascertain with the world cup yet it needs to do the same with the target audience. An informal event like a fun day will have informal materials and jazzy notices in bright and attractive colours.This is because a fun day is aimed at younger children and this will be the more inviting approach in terms of attraction. The sales promotion which I am canvass has frequently been seen by myself on various occasions, billboards mostly. The colours are that of the flag of Germany, the host of the FIFA world cup. It is also combined with masculine and indifferent(p) colours for the seriousness and honour of the world cup. Men will take this event seriously and as Coca-Cola knows this, they are one step ahead.The main point of all the media and format of the business is to sustain the high level of work and to overall, be consistent. Coca-Cola are consistent and a key fact which thoroughly proves this is the fact that they are the most recognised brand in the world. Key messages The key message for a business, will depend upon what they neediness there intended outcome to be of the promotion and who they wish to aim it at. Coca-Cola as an industrial business with a promotion has a main purpose which is to sell more goods or to provide information nearly their products.This can either be done online or perhaps on their encase. Key messages over the past many years have turn up most affective through a slogan. Coca-Cola change theirs to suit the packaging in relation to the offer or perhaps an event. This attracts more customers with the sense of a key message. An example could concern a sales head with big headings and bold lettering to point out the offer or the key message. The key message for the sales that I am investigating is that the world cup is on and that its a time for celebration. Cola-Cola is now loved by almost every(prenominal)one.It is drunk by almost every non- alcoholic drinkic drinker and is also drunk by people who consume alcohol as well. Key messages for Coca-Cola have clearly worked and if you just take a look at their sales, youll see just how much they have worked. Consumer practice of law Consumer legislation should be a key issue to any one who owns a business and wishes to advertise or promote a product. wholly business must make sacrifices by selling products at a cheaper price or perhaps they can produce a sales promotion to catch the eye of the customer who may perhaps be interested.All these examples provide the intended consumers a th ing called consumer law which gives them rights to that product or service which the business may be providing. The rights protect them from the business providing them with faulty goods or perhaps a service which does not find their needs. They also, however, give rights to retailers from the consumer throwing wrong accusations at them concerning any of their products or services. The buyer may complain that the price of a product is priced too high or perhaps they may wish to complain otherwise.If the consumer makes a false accusation, they can be penalized by means of consumer law. Consumer protection legislation One act which is an example of how Coca Cola put across their product is the Consumer certificate Act 1987. This act relates to mainly price and safety. Under this act it is an offensive for Coca Cola to * Mislead customers as to the price of any item The average price for a 2-litre bottle of coke costs zippo to nothing to produce but is sold for a maximum of i 1 . 50. Customers do not look at the issue like this.Even if they do, they bear in mind that the business needs to make coin and see i 1. 50 as a reasonable price. They forever and a day have remained with this price and it will be very rare that Coca Cola are misleading their customers where prices are concerned. * Mislead consumers over sale prices and exaggerate price reductions Coca Cola are not the eccentric person of business which you will see exaggerating a price reduction on any of their products. If they were to have a price reduction, they would have one without any mislead false claims concerning the prices.

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